Pre-Primary Program
The practical life curriculum in the pre-primary class encourages the child to refine the following skills:

- Grace and Courtesy
- Getting the teacher’s attention
- Asking to watch a work
- Asking to help a friend
- Self Help Skills
- Blowing one’s nose
- Coughing into elbow
- Helping to apply sunscreen to him/herself
- Dressing- jacket flip technique, zipping, buttoning, etc.
- Care of the Environment
- Napkin Folding
- Dusting
- Table scrubbing
- Watering plants
Sensorial activities include:
- Visual discrimination based on color, shape, size
- Sound matching cylinders
Language development is refined through the following activities:
- Group story time
- I spy games
- Story sequencing
- Encouraging the child to ask for help rather than the teacher anticipating needs
Free choice as well as teacher directed art and music activities are offered daily.